
Billion Dollar Smog Hoax

Jensen Interceptor S

I was searching in the Cambridge Antique Market for small items of automotive ephemera and I saw the headline on a Motor Trend magazine which said “The Billion Dollar Smog Hoax”. I was fascinated to hopefully read what they thought of the beginning of the clean-up of exhaust pollution, but what I got was a rant about Ralph Nader, even down to his origins and education. They were not pleased, but a wonderful article in the magazine was contributed by my childhood hero, Stirling Moss, in which he described all the benefits of the 4 wheel drive system invented by Ferguson, installed in a regular street vehicle.

This was very interesting because we recently sold a Jensen Interceptor which was the first car to offer the option of the Ferguson 4 wheel drive system. Reading his description of all the advantages was just amazing considering that in Canada now so many vehicles are fitted with it.

The test car of the month was the Firebreathing Pontiac Firebird, the lead editorial was a rant about Senator Muskie and his crusade for clean air and all the safety features that were being legislated, to quote the editor: “which holds that Americans should be given a kind of all-forgiving, padded confessional to drive around in”. How far we have come!

Lipstick on a PigLIPSTICK ON A PIG
Avoiding Life’s Lemons

Lipstick on a Pig features excerpts from the vast library of Maurice Bramhall’s experiences.


1992 Puma AM4 Convertible

1992 Puma AM4 Convertible

FOR SALE: 1992 Puma AM4 Convertible

This new, never registered Puma convertible is ready to receive the engine of your choice. More information on the listing page.


Claims People Make When Selling a Classic Car (Part 2)

I have seen it all when it comes to claims owners make on their classic car. Sometimes they are erroneous claims that could be considered honest mistakes. Other times, a more nefarious plot is underway. As a prospective buyer it really pays to do the due diligence and verify each claim a seller makes about their car. Here are some of the claims I have heard over the years… along with the reality behind each claim.

CLAIM: “This car was in the Queen’s household service.”

REALITY: The Queen Mother was driven in it once to a horse racing meet and there are no photographs to confirm it.

CLAIM: “I bought it at an auction and they announced that it had a matching numbers engine.”

REALITY: Auction houses make no effort to verify claims made by vehicle owners, buyer beware.

CLAIM: “Dealer sold the car as an “Executive Driven Head Office Vehicle” clean Carfax report.”

REALITY: Entire back lower components replaced with parts from wrecking yard. Vehicle had three body colours and many panels didn’t line up properly.

CLAIM: “Van has passed franchise dealer Platinum Used Vehicle programme inspection. Clean Carfax report.”

REALITY: Entire nose section rebuilt using body parts made in Vietnam.

As you can see, there are different ways that a classic car can turn out to have a story that is quite different than what is originally reported. Take your time to find out the verifiable facts when purchasing – or hire a professional to conduct a professional pre-purchase inspection. It can save you a fortune.

Lipstick on a PigLIPSTICK ON A PIG
Avoiding Life’s Lemons

Lipstick on a Pig features excerpts from the vast library of Maurice Bramhall’s experiences.


1995 Mercedes-Benz SL600

FOR SALE: 1995 Mercedes-Benz SL600

A rare automotive classic. More information on the listing page.



1965 Jaguar E Type Roadster

1965 Jaguar E Type Roadster

FOR SALE: 1965 Jaguar E Type Roadster

The ultimate classic Jaguar OTS. More information on the listing page.