
1975 Porsche 911S

1975 Porsche 911S

FOR SALE: 1975 Porsche 911S

More information on the listing page.


1955 Bristol 405

1955 Bristol 405

FOR SALE: 1955 Bristol 405

More information on the listing page.


1948 Jaguar MKIV

1948 Jaguar MKIV

FOR SALE: 1948 Jaguar MKIV

More information on the listing page.


Everyone Has A Volkswagen Beetle Story

I just looked at a restored 1972 Beetle for a client. They always bring back memories of the 1967 car I had in 1970, and the Karmann Ghia coupe I had in 1971. The 1967 Beetle scared me to death on the 401 to London in the depths of winter, I sold it and bought a Peugeot wagon.

I found the Karmann coupe in Welland at a corner garage, it was against the law at the time to buy a car with a credit card so the garage put it down as four tires, $250.00. It was a great summer car, back and forth to Welland and St. Catharines from Guelph. It all went swimmingly until I needed a defrost system, of which it had none, the rockers had been rotted out and never repaired. The police stopped me in Guelph and gave me a ticket because I couldn’t see out of the windshield. The judge asked me to explain how much of the windshield I could see out of, the answer didn’t meet with his approval and I was found guilty. My wife at the time sold the car for the engine, for more than I had paid for it.


Lipstick on a PigLIPSTICK ON A PIG
Avoiding Life’s Lemons

Lipstick on a Pig features excerpts from the vast library of Maurice Bramhall’s experiences.


British Car Day 2022

British Car Day in Toronto

Hosted annually at Bronte Creek Provincial Park (just west of Toronto) by the Toronto Triumph Club, British Car Day features over 1000 beautiful classic cars, bikes and buses.

This show is of interest to any level of enthusiast or those just plain curious. It’s totally relaxed, bring your car, truck or bike, it’s not a snooty Concours.

Are you buying at British Car Day? We can help by providing professional appraisal services.

If you are new to classic car buying or are looking for a set of experienced eyes and ears to augment your own, Give us call. We are ready to help, our fees are more than reasonable!

British Car Day
September 16th, 2018
Bronte Provincial Park
Oakville Ontario

We have a tremendous amount of experience in selling estate assets, ask us for more details.
